Promoting Wellbeing in the Workplace
Why should businesses promote wellbeing in the workplace? In short, a healthy workforce is needed for a company to succeed. Therefore, there are more companies offering wellbeing services to their employees. Companies that promote wellbeing for staff want to encourage good mental health and wellbeing. As a result, they can ensure they have a healthy workforce.
Employees Feel Valued
When a business looks after staff wellbeing and provides them with wellbeing services, employees feel valued. They will feel like the company they are working for cares about their mental health and wellbeing. Most people do not feel comfortable talking about mental health and wellbeing at work. However, by offering wellbeing services, they are more likely to talk about issues they have, before problems grow. As a result, the issue can be resolved quickly. In other words, the employee will be less likely to take sick days as mental health and wellbeing is good. Therefore, offering wellbeing services is a way to promote an open-door policy to encourage employees to talk about their feelings.
Idea Generation
When employees have good mental health and wellbeing , they will have a clear head. In other words, they know how to cope with issues so they can focus better during work time. As a result, they can be more creative, and idea generation will be much better. Therefore, employees can become more engaged at work. Due to having a more significant influence on the company, they will work hard to ensure it is successful. Consequently, the employee will likely remain in the business for a longer time and not leave. In other words, they may feel like they are happy and are given enough opportunities to grow within the company. Therefore, they will not feel the need to leave and move somewhere else.
Other Benefits
There are many benefits for promoting mental health wellbeing at work. In fact, providing wellbeing services doesn’t have to be expensive to produce great results. In other words, benefits out way any cost that is involved.
As a result of offering wellbeing services for staff, employees will be more productive and perform better. Therefore, there will be lower costs and higher profits. As staff are happier, there will be greater staff loyalty. As a result, there will be a lower staff turnover, less sickness absence and the company will have a better reputation.
Who Should be Offered Wellbeing Services?
Wellbeing services must be offered to staff at all levels of the organisation. Doing so will ensure that all members of staff’s mental health and wellbeing are looked after. Therefore, it sends a clear message to staff that they are valued. Also, it shows employees that their wellbeing is of great importance to the organisation.
What is the Cost of Doing Nothing?
Mental health and wellbeing issues are common within the workplace, and it is the leading cause of sickness absence. Seventy million workdays are lost every year due to mental health issues across the UK. It costs employers around £2.25 billion per year.
Higher Staff Turnover and Recruitment Costs
Replacing an employee who has left the business can cost a lot. On average, companies spend £5,433 on costs to replace a member of staff. In addition to the financial cost of training new employees, there is another cost. Time. Training up new staff can take a lot of time, and it may take a while to get employees trained up to where they need to be. Therefore, it is much better and easier to ensure wellbeing services are in place to avoid employees leaving the business.
Rises in Conflict in the Workplace
Mental Health issues and stress can lead to costly and time-consuming conflict at work. Therefore, stress is the second most significant reason for conflict. When staff are not caring for their mental health and wellbeing, they can become demotivated and therefore do not put so much effort into their work. As a result, the business is not as productive as it could be as employees lack drive. Alternatively, when employee’s wellbeing is good, they will work hard and help to achieve the companies goals more quicky and effectively.
Lower Productivity
Many will continue to work with mental health issues as some believe there is a stigma attached to having a mental health problem. However, this is likely because mental health hasn’t already been talked about by the employer. In other words, they don’t know if their employer would take them seriously as it hasn’t been talked about. Promoting wellbeing services to employees start this conversation and makes it much easier to address.
Loss of Workdays Due to Absenteeism
It is estimated that there are 70 million days lost each year due to mental health issues. Employees say this is a result of their working conditions and workloads. Moreover, more days are lost due to work-related bad mental ill-health than any other cause of work-related illness. Yet, the recorded figures are definitely under-recorded when looking at the amount of time taken off sick due to mental health. This is due to the scale on which these problems go unrecognised and in the workplace. Worst of all, a further reason is due to many employees not wanting to be labelled as mentally ill.
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