3 min readDec 21, 2021


Examples of Challenging Behaviour in the Workplace

Examples of challenging behaviour are frequent occurrences. Do not suffer alone if you have experienced any of the examples listed below. Whether the event is past or present, speak up and stop it from carrying on. It is the job of your workplace to make sure that their staff feel happy and safe. If you do not feel like this, then things need to change.

Below are examples of challenging behaviour that we think are unsuitable. However, this list does not include every instance. But we have provided some basic ideas.

Different companies will have different rules on what classes as examples of challenging behaviour. So, here are our examples of challenging behaviour in the workplace.

  • Aggressive or Violent Behaviour.

Such behaviour harms the work environment. Examples are shouting at others, throwing objects, hitting walls, etc. Can lead to damage to company property and could also harm colleagues.

  • Sexual Harassment.

Sexual nature makes others feel degraded. Examples can occur through sexual jokes, inappropriate comments and unwanted contact.

  • Bullying.

There are many forms of bullying. Face-to-face interactions are more direct. Emails or indirect through other people tend to be more common. Examples are insults and offensive language, snide remarks or spreading rumours.

Allowing any examples of challenging behaviour is cruel. Furthermore, all three of these examples can lead to severe impacts on mental health. The effect could be added to any mental health already present or trigger a new episode.

Reducing the Risk:

Perform a risk assessment that analyses control measures. There are a variety of precautions that prevent the danger. Below are a few methods that can prevent, but this is not a complete list.

Risk Reductions:

  • Provide clear instructions. These can be verbal or written.
  • Provide proper training to remain safe when dealing with aggressive people.
  • Respond to risks suitably and record them.
  • Analyse how staff engage with each other and clients.
  • Ensure staff training is adequate for the level of risk.

As explained, all companies will act differently from each other. You are responsible for your well-being just as much as they are. If you feel mistreated, you must raise it until you are happy with the outcome. You need to look after yourself; otherwise, no one else will. Do not settle until you feel secure where you work and that it is an environment that makes you comfortable.

Written By Guest Writer

Nicole Foulkes


What are some reasons for challenging behaviour?

They want social attention. Other causes include avoidance and wanting their way.

What is difficult or challenging behaviour?

Verbal aggression. Coercion or threats. Physical attack and self-harming behaviour.

What are behavioural challenges?

Aggression. Impulsive behaviour. Refusal of instructions.

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